Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Q: Why does the amount of tokens I send or receive in the ZStake protocol tend to be reduced?

A: There is an internal transaction fee of 5% applied to every transaction made with the ZStake token ($ZSTAKE), hence the deduction. 10,000 would amount to 9,500 after the fee is deducted.

Q: Where does the transaction fee go to?

A: Transaction fees are split into 40% and 60% respectively, which means 2% and 3%. 2% is sent to the burn address (until it reaches 50% of the total supply, i.e. 100,000,000 $ZSTAKE), while the 3% is sent into the rewards pool in which holders claim amounts proportional to their holdings of the circulating supply once every three days.

Q: How do I claim my holder rewards?

A: The rewards can be claimed from Once a holder's wallet receives $ZStake for the very first time, their initial countdown begins for the first 3 days. Subsequently, they can claim their shares from the pool once every three days.

Q: Transactions are pending forever in the dApp. Why so?

A: When there is congestion in the Testnet sockets, the RPC connection buffer is too much or is not able to be confirmed if failed or was successful. Note that if it reflects, you're all good.

Q: How can I get Testnet ZSTAKE or AZERO?

A: To get Testnet ZStake, you can visit, while to get Testnet $AZERO, you can visit

Q: Do I get rewards from the pool anytime I stake tokens in the Staking platform?

A: No. You earn rewards simply because you're holding ZStake. Once ZStake enters your wallet for the first time, your first batch of the tri-daily countdown begins.

Last updated